Cindy Vochatzer-Murillo

Grab the 10 Documents your aging Parents need

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Meet Cindy


My Story

Once there was a 4 little girl whose grandpa died and her grandmother didn’t know what to do to carry on without him.
Then there was the 4 year old girls mother who didn’t know how to help her mother and help her 4 year old and newborn at the same time.
That little girl grew up to lose her father at age 40 and remembered the lessons she learned at 4 to help her widowed mother carry on, all while carry for her 3 year old daughter.
Now 4 year later teaching other moms (and dads) that are caring for their aging parents, what to do. While raising a strong, resilient 7 year old daughter who is learning even more than her mother did at age 4.

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