Friends, I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. Not sad tears, but tears of JOY!
I sit here not quite 11 months after saying YES to something. Something I didn't even know what it even meant. I just knew I was supposed to say Yes.
So I took the first step and jumped out of the figurative airplane and built my parachute on the way down.
In these 11 months I have began to step into what God put me on Earth to do. I said YES in the middle of a pandemic. In what could have been the worst year of my life God forged me in the fire, he refined me and walked every step of the way with me.
This past 11 months I learned that things can be awful and beautiful at the same time. I entered into this being an all or nothing person.
Some of the things that happened in this last year:
A world wide Pandemic
Spent time with family
Celebrated my mom's last birthday with her.
Got a business coach (Thanks Martha and Mike Krejci)
Created my brand logo
Created a business website (Thank you Meggan Larson)
Experienced debilitating panic attacks
Went two weeks without sleep
Received sweet deliverance from said panic attacks (Thank you Michelle Carlton
Went to be with my sick mother
Started my advocacy business
Learned to say YES when people asked to help
Started writing a book
Realized yet again I have the best friends
Spent weeks in the hospital with my mom advocating for her
Made new friends with strangers all over the world
Brought my mom home on hospice
Witness miracle after miracle
Got more healing, watched others heal
Had great slumber parties in my childhood home living with my mom in her hospice bed
Yet again witnessed one of my parents taking their last breath this side of Heaven
Started a YouTube channel full of great videos
I have tears of JOY because I have been stretched, bent, grown, torn and still I didn't break.
Thank you Jesus for pulling me through the fire so I can now reach back and pull them out of the fire.