A day in the life of Cindy
First thing I do when I get up in the morning is go and use the bathroom.
Leave a comment below if this is the very first thing you do too. Years ago my dad complained about having a hard time using the bathroom. I remembered an ad I saw with a pooping unicorn sitting on a toilet and had its feet propped up on a stool like contraption. I promptly ordered one for my dad and then myself. I use my Squatty
Potty every Single day it has changed my life and the life of my parents. I even have a special one I pack when traveling.
Potty every Single day it has changed my life and the life of my parents. I even have a special one I pack when traveling.
Squatty Potty

The next thing I do is take my dog out to got the bathroom. My dog is very strong and not any leash will do. I have to have a double stitched one that will give me the support I need when the wonderful bunny is waiting outside my door for the dog to come out in pee. Sometimes the dog and I end up in the bushes sometimes we don't.
Double stitched dog leash
Now it's time for some tea. Did I mention my favorite color is BLUE!!! It is and every morning while my water heats up the blue color makes me so happy.
Electric Glass Tea Kettle
Now it's time to make breakfast. I'll be back soon to share my favorites breakfast things.
While you are waiting, if you are a mom in the middle(between young kids and aging parents) like me jump into my community here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1408483602819012
You want to be in this community because life is hard and you are going to want all the easier buttons on life. I have successfully navigated life in the middle and want to make things easier on you mom.
See you next time,